Stumptown Coffee Roasters invaded the Ace Hotel in Manhattan in 2009. It was a day Mike and I eagerly awaited and could not wait to make our way downtown for our very own cup.
One year later, we finally found ourselves standing outside the Ace Hotel, ready to be drawn into the warm shop by the strong, but lovely, scent of freshly ground and brewed coffee.

Having already enjoyed our requisite morning cups of coffee, we decided a small, powerful espresso would be just right.
The baristo handed us two small cups of water to cleanse our palates, as he created just the perfect brew for our order.
The result was the thickest, strongest cup of espresso I have ever enjoyed. Despite its strong flavor, there was no trace of bitterness to be detected.

On the way out, we splurged on a pound of coffee to enjoy during the following week. After feeling a bit lost, another very helpful baristo came around the counter to offer some clarity and a few words of advice.
Mike and I decided on Guatemala Finca El Injerto, Bourbon Varietal, whose scent filled every fiber of my purse and occasionally drifted up to my nose throughout the evening.
It made for a quite delicious and enjoyable cup of coffee on Sunday morning.
Ready to go try your own very own cup?
Stumptown Coffee Roasters
18 West 29th Street, Suite 3
New York, NY 10001
(212) 679-2222